Post 131 Elections

All leadership positions in the Post are up for reelection every year! Your Madera Post 131 needs your leadership skills and your enthusiasm.

The election is held in April with the installation of officers at the May membership meeting. I ask you to navigate to: to look at the positions and job descriptions of the Legion officers. Please consider adding your knowledge and experience to the leadership team.

The Post meets monthly on the third Wednesday for membership from September through April and is in recess June, July and August. Winter visitors in officer positions call in to E-Board meetings which meet on the second Wednesday of each month throughout the year.

Please contact one of the past commanders that make up the nomination committee; Thom Johnson (, Jim Simmons, or Sam Barnard with your questions and interest to participate.

We need you to step up for the good of your fellow veterans, the community, and your Madera Post 131!