Christmas Eve Open House

American Legion Madera Post 131 is hosting an Open House for members and potential new members from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm on December 24th. The Open House will include information about joining the Legion, Legion Auxiliary or the Sons of the American Legion for eligible non-members. 

A Potluck dinner with various meat dishes will be provided at no charge. Members are asked to bring a side dish of vegetables, salads, or dessert and invite a non-member to attend.
There is a sign-up sheet in the Lounge. Please indicate on the sign-up sheet what you are bringing.

Come join us for a Christmas Eve open house and dinner. For more information call or email Sally Cady at: (402) 690-7251 or email at:  or Jan Melhorn at: (916) 521-8199 or email at: