Nominations for the Officers of the Post which includes the Commander, 1st Vice Commander, 2nd Vice Commander, Judge Advocate, Finance Officer, Sargent at Arms and three Members at Large are open now. The nominations will CLOSE at the March Membership meeting on March 19th.
We still need to fill the Board positions of Judge Advocate, Finance Officer, one Member at Large and most importantly Adjutant.
Job Descriptions of the top 6 positions can be found of the Post website at:
Members at Large represent the leadership and membership of the Post by chairing committees and performing other duties as assigned by the Commander.
All candidates for an elected position must submit a short bio for posting on the Post bulletin board where members can read and decide on their vote on or before March 9th. All submittals and declarations of intent should be submitted to a member of the Nomination Committee by email or hard copy. Nomination Committee consists of Dan Cady, Past Commander (