Category: Uncategorized
50/50 Building Fund – Ticket Sales & Weekly Drawing
50/50 Raffle ticket sales every Thursday night during Queen of Hearts (4-6pm) As of February 20th, the 50/50 Building Fund is: $37,127 Note: There will be a second drawing for a $15 food voucher, redeemable at Monday Burger Night, Wednesday Taco Night, Friday Fish Fry or at the Café Legion Tuesday through Friday.The voucher is a […]
Wreaths Across America Ceremony this Saturday, December 14th at the cemeteries listed below:
Donation by check are to made out to Wreaths Across America and dropped off at the American Legion Post 131 in the Green Valley Village. If you would like to volunteer to help lay the wreaths, there are sign-up sheets on the bulletin board in the Post’s Lounge.
PLEASE READ: Incorrect Return Address on Renewal Forms sent out by National
Legionnaires, It has come to the Post’s attention that the return address on your renewal forms sent out by National is incorrect. The address on the form is the personal address of a former Adjutant. If using the form and provided window envelope from National to mail your renewal, the address on your return forms […]
CANCELLED – Baked Ham Dinner on Sat 3/30
No Ham Dinner on Saturday March 30th If you purchased tickets for this dinner, please stop in the lounge with your ticket and you will be refunded the cost.