Post 131’s goal is to own the property and building for the Post some day. To that end, a previous Post 131 Executive Board created the “Post 131 New Building Fund” to accrue the necessary funds from operations and donations. The “Post 131 New Building Fund” target is to raise $1,500,000.
Check back to see how the fund continues to grow.
Help Post 131 reach the target of $1,500,000.
Use the DONATE NOW button below to help out.
As of February 2025 = $87,981
Building Fund Total Donations as of February 2025
1000016 – 50/50 building fund $36,207.00
100014 – Restricted bldg fund $51,773.99
Total $87,980.99
Property Update:
Our Post is moving through the process to put up a new building on nearly seven acres it recently purchased in southern Green Valley. The property is on the Interstate 19 West Frontage Road about 600 feet south of West Camino Encanto. The land currently has a decades-old concrete foundation left over from a Fairfield model home and an entrance from the Frontage Road that climbs to the site.
The 6.68 acres was purchased by the Post in February 2024, and the hope is to start construction on a 9,600-square-foot steel building in 24 to 36 months.
LATEST UPDATE: If you haven’t heard by now, the Pima County Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday, November 19, and voted 5-0 to approve the Conditional Use Permit following ADOT approval for access to the property from the I-19 South Frontage Road.
The forms for incorporation have been sent to the Arizona Corporation Commission along with payment for our non-profit GV Post 131 Foundation and are awaiting approval. Once that is granted, we will begin the application process for the 501(c)(3).